Set within a large cluster of suburban, gated, residential communities, the project design transformed a formerly unutilized, derelict space into a serene contemporary rain garden and waterway, with a state of the art playground, and a welcoming community space.The objective of the project was to create an open space in a multi-family housing complex; a shared backyard, meeting an array of needs, for the multigenerational residents. A revitalized waterway and enhanced graded slope established a stable, functional rainwater management system for the community. The garden reversed ecological degradation, fostered native plant species, and created habitat for native wildlife, offering a tranquil and dynamic natural setting for residents seeking a connection to nature.The project has even attracted the attention of visitors outside of community from around the country and has become a popular weekend destination for owners and guests. It’s a successful example that proves investing in green infrastructure can offer higher quality of life in harmony with nature and raises the bar for Chinese residential gardens.